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Online Drupal Tutor in Lucknow

JMD Tutor is a professional tutor place located in lucknow and all city in india. We provide best online drupal tutor in lucknow, lucknow, noida, gurgaon all city in india. There are many online tuition centers for drupal in lucknow, online institute for drupal in lucknow, online coching center for drupal in lucknow but we have been offering the best and guided tuition assistance for online drupal anywhere in the your city.

We aim to help all students achieve their potential by giving them encouragement, understanding and individualised attention. We provide best online tutors for drupal in lucknow, we also offer a great learning method of online drupal study.

1) Customized plan to online drupal study.

2) Difficult concepts broken down to easily understand of online drupal.

We are equipped with a best team of dedicated and passionate online tutor for drupal in lucknow who love infusing knowledge in their fellow students and make them learn the skills and concepts required to compete in life. We use the most advanced and technically enriched methods to teach and provide knowledge to our students.

We provide best online tutor for drupal in lucknow, online tutor for drupal in lucknow, private online tutor for drupal in lucknow, professional online tutor for drupal in lucknow, to all level student and working person.

Drupal is one of the most popular Content Management Systems (CMS) these days. It is an open source Content Management System, and it is free. Drupal system is used for several kinds of purpose of contents, and it presents a service for the people and the companies to publish, organize, and manage their work without higher knowledge of the programming. Moreover, the concept of Drupal is a deeper concept than simply software.

Drupal is a free tool used to build web sites.

Content management framework

Similar to Wordpress

Hybrid between a web application framework and a Content Management System

Cross-platform, PHP, and highly modular

Our trainings help many students and young professionals like you to learn, edit and publish their own websites. To know more about how you can take admission in our next Drupal Training in Delhi, Lucknow.

Introduction of Drupal

Introduction of Drupal 8

Comparasion to other CMS( joomla, wordpress )

Features of drupal

Drupal 8 installation

Creating simple content : Basic Page and Article

Drupal files introduction

Admin Menu Module

2- Content Type

Understanding Content Type

Creating Custom Content Type 'Products'

Adding it's fields - title,body,image,model no, cost

Understanding Taxonomy (vocabulary, terms)

Creating vocabulary : category,color

Adding some terms

Call these vocabulary to content type 'products'

Blocks & Region

Declaring custom home page of basic page

Create new Image style

3 -Users, Roles, Permissions

Undertsanding Roles & Permission

User account registration system

Adding new fields on user register form

Adding new roles ,create user

Assign some persmission to the role


Understanding views, Entity, views page and block

Latest Product Views

Understanding Filter criteria and Contextual Filter

Show only one category products using filter criteria

Understanding Views Relationships

My Products views (show products of logged in user's only)

5 Advance Views

Category wise Product Listing Views

Related Products Views

Attachment view to display 1st products details with other title

Views for search by category and color

Views header, footer, pagination, ajax

6 Drupal 8 Template Theming

Theming section n Drupal

Template Theming (HTML to Drupal template)

Views Theming

Node Theming

Block Theming

Theme Files Introduction

THEME_NAME.info.yml ,THEME_NAME.libraries.yml ,

THEME_NAME.theme ,yourtheme.breakpoints.yml


About Twig template engine

Twig Syntax

HTML template to Drupal 8 Theme Development

Getting any HTML template

Creating new custom Drupal 8 theme

7 Other Theming

Views Theming

Node Theming

Block Theming

8 Drupal 8 Module Development part 1

Custom module folder structure

Register a module

Routing , Define path

Create a basic controller - Create menu links

Create Form

9 Drupal 8 Module Development part 2

Create custom block in module

Adding a configuration form

Drupal 8 forms

Create simple form

Validating form data

form image upload

use db_insert() ,db_update(), db_delete()

10 Drupal 8 Module Development part 3

list records from custom database table

using pager on list page

edit in form

Create Blocks in module

Block configuration

Show uploaded image on custom block


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